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Search mode: "AND" "OR"

This search engine combs the entire site. If you want to perform a systematic search in the documentations, locally mirrored pages, or only in the information or presentation areas, it's advisable to use the [Search Docs] function for documents. Similarly, it's preferable to use [bbs2web] or [Extended Search] for files if you want to search for files, file descriptions and the like. However, you're right on the mark here for everything else, and for an initial rough overview.

Now just a few words on the use of this search engine.

Keywords should be seperated with commas or spaces. No difference is made between capital and small letters. Search items containing special characters, wildcards (* ?) or numbers (including combinations of numbers) produce no result.

If you search in the "AND" mode (default), only results that contain ALL of the search items you specify will be displayed. If your search is in the "OR" mode, you will get a result if even ONE of the specified search items is present. As in any other search engine, you can prefix a search item with a plus sign "+" to tell the search engine that any result must contain this item. If an item should not be in the result, simply prefix it with a minus sign "-".

For example, if you search for "+perl -CGI" in the "AND" mode, you will only be shown pages containing the term "perl", but not the term "CGI". In the "OR" mode, you will be shown all pages that either contain the term "perl", or do not contain the term "CGI".

The search normally yields a result if the search item(s) occur anywhere on the searched page. For example, if you search for the term "auto", the search results will include all pages containing words such as "semiautomatic", "Autor" (German) or similar. If you wish to limit the search to a specific term, simply suffix the search item with an exclamation point, for example "auto!".