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Messages - Start

Although the classical mailbox more-or-less mutated into a "filebox" as long as around 10 years ago, communication by way of the keyboard has retained its fascination to this day. This is even more so in the present "Internet age". For example, we have experienced a renaissance of the classical mailbox in the form of "online forums" or "HTML boards". And worldwide "chatting" has also become a current reality.

For just these reasons, these new/old media are naturally also available here. And in addition the classical data networks such as Usenet, Fidonet and several subnets of such types. As a beginning, you can read messages in these with your browser. For a regular "feed" of one or more of these networks, please contact the webmaster of this site.

Naturally, you can start up as soon as you're online, whether in a forum, chatroom, or in the guest book. You'll find these and everything alse in this menu.

  • Start
    This is where you are at the moment.
  • Selected
    A group of message areas selected from the entire system program. If you like, the "highlights", areas offering particularly interesting information, unusually great activity, or maybe even a combination of both. In contrast to the case when the news reader is directly invoked - where a gigantic total overview is first displayed - everything here is simply organized, pre-sorted and described in detail.
  • FTN-Reader
    A program that converts messages from a Squish messagebase (a Fidonet format) "on the fly". As a result, you can read messages in nearly all the message areas stored on the system here online. However, you can only write messages in the local message groups.
  • Newsreader
    What's available for a Squish messagebase also exists for any desired news server. Here you can read several groups of the local news server. However, postings are not permitted.
  • Board
    The online boards of the system. Who dosn't know them, these HTML-based discussion forums? Of course, such gems mustn't be lacking here. The topics on which you can read and also write messages in this section start with hardware and software, permit complaints (and praise) of the system, general chatting and chewing the fat, and include stock market talk and a thousand other things.
  • Chat
    Is it boring to read and write messages because it's too slow? How would it be with a chat, effectively in "real time". It's easy using your browser.
  • Guestbook
    Everyone can leave comments on the site here. The webmaster appreciates feedback of every kind, including criticism, suggestions for improvement, and other comments.
  • WebMail
    Everyone is familiar with public freemail services where e-mails can be read using a web browser. That is also possible here, and makes particularly good sense if you cannot otherwise access your post box with a browser. However, access to the service on this system is exclusively limited to participants whose accounts have been set up by the webmaster.

Please note: Everything in this section is meanwhile fully operable. However, one thing or another could still appear a bit disorganized even here. :-)