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Files - Start

Welcome to one of the largest file servers in the "net"! In contrast to what you may be familiar with in the case of other file servers, you will find that nearly all the files here include a detailed description, generally by the author. These are frequently even more detailed and meaningful than the descriptions in somewhat better web indices. To say nothing of the much larger file selection.

With a little luck, you can even find somewhat older stuff here. Documentations, drivers and such things. Just the kind of files that you may have already unsuccessfully tried to find elsewhere in the web. But although around 10 GB of new files arrive here every month, there's still no garantee that you will find what you want here, much less the newest version. "Trial by search" is always the best method.

The following organization is designed to simplify your searches and browsing, and to provide you with a wide range of different utilities to help you:

  • Start
    This is where you are presently located.
  • bbs2web
    This is a file search engine and an index for Maximus-based mailboxes. You can use the very rapid search routines in this section to look for files and descriptions, or to surf through the far more than 2000 file areas of the system.
  • Extended Search
    Another search engine to use in cases when bbs2web doesn't find anything, or when problems arise with special characters (/ \ & "), numbers and similar things. This search engine locates simply everything, since it performs a full-text search. Although this is quite slow and demands some patience, it provides very thorough results.
  • Fileareas
    Here you find a kind of online HTML file list arranged according to main groups and subgroups, as well as file areas. To some degree, it is similar to that generated by bbs2web, since the basis is in principle identical. However, this one makes use of fewer HTML tags, which will probably reduce download times. To each his/her own, as the saying goes.
  • Newfiles
    To prevent complete confusion in view of the large numbers of files that arrive at this system, this provides an overview of "new files", i.e. files that have been received here within the last 14 days. The organization of the overview is the same as previously described. And please: don't be surprised when you see an old file date. The only criterion for this overview is the date when the file arrived at this system.
  • Filelists
    Here are lists of files in ASCII format, i.e. straight text files (mainly composed of seven-bit characters, and thus readable nearly everywhere), freshly generated on a daily basis. The lists are compressed (maximum compression) with GNU ZIP, and you can download them to browse through them at home at your leisure, or to search through them locally using text search utilities such as grep.
  • Directories
    The filebase of the system. Organized by directories, and provided with a simple index by the web server. If you have downloaded file lists, you will find the area structure specified in these in the subdirectory /pub. Thus, you could in principle locate a file in the list offline, and then go to it online at this location.
  • FTP
    This goes directly to the FTP server. You will naturally find the same files there as in the case of an HTTP download with your browser, but with the advantage that an interrupted download can be resumed at the point where the interruption occured in this case. Thus, the download doesn't restart from the beginning after an interruption - provided that your software supports this feature. Otherwise, the same applies as in the case of the file directories.
  • Upload
    This is essentially a classical mailbox. And in such mailboxes - back in the stone age - the files didn't drop from heaven, but actually came from the users. ;-) Thus, for completeness, the system also includes an upload function. But this is one like in a real mailbox: the files are first checked after being uploaded, and later manually sorted. After all, this is not a public file-exchange server.

Please note: Everything in this section is fully functional, but may still have a few rough edges at the moment.