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Hello. You have just connected with the IP at the local address www.owlserver.de:2080. Thank you for your interest. To simplify your subsequent searches a bit, a brief survey of the ways to navigate the site and the home area follows.

General Navigation

The "little blue" menu appears at the upper edge of every page and will always show you the right path to whatever you are looking for, or bring you back to wherever you were. The following will tell you exactly where a click on one of the menu entries will bring you:


This is the main menu. It contains messages, files and a few other things organized into the Home and Miscellaneous categories.

  • Home
    The starting point and the area in which you are located at the moment. The exact description of sub-areas follows a bit later.
  • Files
    The file areas of the OWL-Server, presently around 266691 files with 160 GB in size, organized into 2701 areas. Additionally there are detailed search systems, file lists, surveys and much more to help navigate this area. Naturally, the files can then be downloaded by HTTP or FTP.
  • Messages
    The messages areas of the OWL-Server. Online forums, chat rooms, newsgroups, e-mail, Fidonet and a wide range of other networks are available. Naturally, opportunities to browse exist, including the possibility of reading messages online.
  • Miscellaneous
    Everything that doesn't fit elsewhere. Statistics on the system load, a few gimmicks and a lot of software documentation, including (not only) that for the programs used at this site.

Questions and help

There are several information pages that can be accessed at any time and will hopefully make it easier to live on and with these pages :-)

  • eMail (@)
    This entry accesses a form that allows you to send a question to the webmaster.
  • Help (?)
    This entry accesses a brief help page. In addition to the main links, you will also find technical information on navigation of these pages there.

Online Information

A local mirror of the externallay hosted presentation, for example under www.owl-server.de, organized a bit differently in this case. Please note that in contrast to the BBS area, frames and JavaScript are required in this section.

  • Info
    Information on the OWL-Server: accessing, services, technology, software, specials and a thousand other things. In short, comprehensive information on this system.
  • Site
    The "rest" of the online presentation. Ranges from the collection of links through home pages and an index of abbreviations, up to information on regular regional meetings.
Home Area

An introduction to the OWL-Server services with all the basic functions and an overall survey of subareas and alternatives. This is the easiest starting point for a trip into the depths of the system.

  • Start
    You are presently here.
  • Search
    The search engine for the entire site may be found here. Only this site, not the entire web, is searched here - but the search really combs the site. Since several search engines exist here, you will also find some information on the alternatives.
  • SiteMap
    Just what the title says: a brief overview of the entire structure of this site. Made up in graphical form, and naturally containing direct links to nearly every page of the site.
  • Help
    Once again the help function. This was already listed under @.
  • mail2webmaster
    And once again the form for questions. Already explained at ?.
  • telnetBBS
    And here's a new, old friend: the telnet gate into the classical BBS. The telnet port is open here to permit access. This operates using a telnet client. Just set it to ANSI emulation. However, you should use a special client to optain proper graphical displays, and particularly for Z-modem downloads.

Please note: Although all the pages have been finished, some of the layouts are not yet complete. Thus, most things should operate correctly, but the appearance might not yet be as uniform as it should be. Sorry - but we'll attend to these details as well in the next litte while.

This server's uptime is 4 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes and 33 seconds.